35) Sunita Verma, P K Yadava, P.K., D M Lal, R K Mall, H Kumar, Swagata Payra* (2021) Role of Lightning NOx in Ozone Formation: A Review. Pure Appl. Geophys. Indexing:- SCIe, Scopus , IF :- 1.586https://doi.org/10.1007/s00024-021-02710-5
33) M Soni, A S Chandel , S Verma, Swagata Payra*, D Prakash, B Holben (2021). Aerosols properties over desert influenced locations situated in four different continents. Atmospheric Environment, Vol 248,ISSN:1352-2310, Indexing: sci, scopus, IF=4.039, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118232
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26) M Soni, Swagata Payra* & S Verma (2018). Particulate matter estimation over a semi arid region Jaipur, India using satellite AOD and meteorological parameters. Atmos Pollut Res, Vol 9(5), 949-958, Indexing: SCIe, Scopus, IF=3.527, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apr.2018.03.001
35) Sunita Verma, P K Yadava, P.K., D M Lal, R K Mall, H Kumar, Swagata Payra* (2021) Role of Lightning NOx in Ozone Formation: A Review. Pure Appl. Geophys. Indexing:- SCIe, Scopus , IF :- 1.586https://doi.org/10.1007/s00024-021-02710-5
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24) S Verma, M Soni and Swagata Payra* (2018), Role of Meteorology and Satellite Retrievals in Estimating the Ground Particulate Matter During the Pre-Monsoon Period Over Jaipur, India, Int. J. Earth Atmos. Sci, Vol 5(1), 62-72, Indexing: NAAS
23) S Verma, D Prakash, A K Srivastava & Swagata Payra*(2017), Radiative Forcing Estimation of Aerosols at an Urban Site near the Thar Desert Using Ground-Based Remote Sensing Measurements. Aerosol Air Qual. Res, 17(5), 1294-1304, Indexing: SCIe, Scopus, IF=2.735, https://doi.org/10.4209/aaqr.2016.09.0424
22) Swagata Payra, P Ricaud, R Abida, L El Amraoui, J-L Attié, E Rivière, F Carminati, and T von
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20) Swagata Payra, P Kumar, S Verma, D Prakash and M Soni(2016), Potential source identification for aerosol concentrations over a site in Northwestern India, Atmos Res, 169, 65-72. Indexing: SCI,
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19) Swagata Payra, M Soni, A Kumar, D Prakash and S Verma (2015), Intercomparison of Aerosol
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in India, Environmental Science and Technology, Vol 49(15), 9237 – 9246, Indexing: SCIe, Scopus,
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16) M Soni, Swagata Payra, P Sinha, and S Verma (2014), A Performance Evaluation of WRF Model
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15) Swagata Payra and M Mohan (2014), Fog Prediction using WRF Model: A Multi-rule based
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